I can't say Nigga' cause it makes you uncomfortable? It makes you squirm? Well, white man, this world is very much about discomfort. Living life is about moving out of our comfort zones. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, when I use my word, Nigga. I am not even thinking of you. I love the word Nigga, as we Niggas apply it to ourselves.
You see, I've been trying for a while now, to figure out how the use of this word by us Niggas concerns you? You wouldn't insult another race by, let's say, calling the Italians Dagos, or calling a person of Hispanic heritage a Spic. Why then do you, of all people, persist in being able to call members of the black race a Nigga? African Americans can and do use Nigga amongst ourselves. God knows, we have earned the right. It is us and it is our choice.
Many of you still call us niggers whenever you are without a "nigger in sight." Give me a break. What sense does this make, Mr. White Man? What business is it of yours what I say? I really don't and can't censure what you say. It's simple. Just don't say Nigga in front of African Americans.
There are so many endearing and sensitive memories attached to our word, Nigga. No, you would not understand. You really can't understand how we, as an oppressed people, took a word meant to humble and humiliate us, and turn it into our version of love, connection, and yes, sometimes hate, but not so much on our part, as you pretend to think.
You called us niggers from the time we set foot on this American soil. What's your point now? Is it to show the world that you can still control our thinking? The world may succumb to your desires and tricks as you attempt to clean up the shit you have begun. I won't let you take my language, hence my culture, away from me again.
You, white man, need to understand that African Americans do not want you to say Nigga to us, or on your public media. Only African Americans can call one another Nigga. You just need to learn to control your urges to say this word. You need to really examine your feelings about this word. Examine your motives for not wanting me, the "nigger," to use my own connotation of this word in my world. You need to control your guilt and your jealousies. You definitely can not control me.
E. Clark
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