Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Trump is a Demagogue

Trump is a Demagogue 9-5-18

September 5, 2018

Trump is a Demagogue

He is a “leader" who has obtained his power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of a certain segment of the population; the segment which refuses to see the truth of the crisis that our country is hurtling toward, as fast as we can.

Dangerous and crazy times have plagued us since the inauguration of Donald Trump.  I cannot, for the life of me, call this mentally unstable man baby, president.  He does not qualify for any title of such significance.  Trump is a continuous disgrace to this great nation.  Make America Great Again, is a slogan that isn’t befitting of any actions taken by this tumultuous and  inept administration.

Trump has pulled back on so many important regulations.  He says that he does not believe in climate change.  I think that this is just another lie, intended to divert our attention from the fact that he is heading up a purposeful destruction of the United States of America, if not the entire world.  Putin and other white supremacists are in accord with this.  They think that outer space will save them, after they have carried out their plans for world wide white supremacy.  It won’t.  They won’t get that far.  I believe that Humanity Rules!   Hence, the silly idea of starting a special space program is so off base, that it is another stupid idea from this self proclaimed dictator.  The Air Force already has a division dedicated to the space program.  

What the heck is going on?  They are demonic!  Trump, Bannon, Stephen Miller and many others, in and of this administration, are hell bent on destroying the administrative state.  Bannon even stated that, “We won’t get this country back without a fight.” 

The Kavanaugh confirmation hearings has a woman, Zina Bosh, sitting directly behind Kavanaugh, flashing signs of white supremacy (no matter how the Trump(ians) try to spin it).  This has been the second day in the Kavanaugh hearings and it has been the second day for the white supremacy flashings from Zina Bosh.  Why does no one object to this?  What are the Democrats and responsible Republicans thinking of?  Our elected officials have let us down.  We are in a perilous state.  

Bob Woodward’s book, Fire, has just been the tip of the iceberg.  A high official in the Trump administration, has just published an op-ed, in the New York Times, under an anonymous name.  He, or she, has said that Trump is amoral.  Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff, states the same anomalous behavior.

Somethings are really wrong.  

Trump is a Demagogue 9-5-18

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