Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Flint: An American Tragedy

The water situation in Flint, Michigan, could have been avoided.

Michael Moore's "10 Things They Won't Tell You About The Flint Water Tragedy. But I Will",  tells us what's happening in Flint.  He chronicles the problems from the onset until now.  I won't even try to paraphrase his facts, but I will endorse his conclusions.

The facts are that Governor Rick Snyder nullified free elections in Flint, deposed the mayor and city council, and appointed his man to run the city.  Money saving thoughts dictated decisions, rather than the quality of people's lives.   Greed rears its ugly head again, so it was decided by this Governor Snyder appointee, to unhook Flint, Michigan's water from Lake Huron and switch the hook up to the Flint River.

All concerned parties knew that the Flint River was toxic, and that it had been toxic for years, yet they still went ahead with this directive.  General Motors, complained that the Flint River was corroding their car parts.  They were given a special hook up to Lake Huron water.  All the while, the children of Flint were still drinking the poisoned water from the Flint River.  Despicable actions, which led to this catastrophic outcome.  To think that all of this could have been avoided is reprehensible.

All this could have been prevented?   Michael Moore says it would have cost one hundred dollars a day for three months, nine thousand dollars.  Human lives are priceless.  I'm aghast.

There has been a return of an intense outbreak of Legionnaires Disease which has occurred since the water has become contaminated.  Other toxins have been found.  What other toxins will be found?  I am afraid for the citizens of Flint.

I'm hurt that these poor people, who have what I have, and that is nothing but their homes, and now this one asset is worth nothing.  To have worked an entire life time to come to the realization that your one asset is worthless, must be heartbreaking.   To realize that you and your family are in jeopardy of dying, has to be the most hopeless and empty of feelings.  To realize that you live on toxic land is frightening, beyond belief.  It sounds like the Twilight Zone.

It is unthinkable to believe that during all of this, the Flint citizens have also had to endure military exercises that did involve bombings, in the derelict neighborhoods.  The audacity of our military leaders.

Lake Huron is the third largest body of fresh water in the world.  Formed over ten thousand years ago, it is still fed by pure underground springs.  Flint citizens, geographically, should not be drinking poisoned water.

They come for my brother today, they will surely come for me tomorrow; or something like that.

Michigan State owes these people money for purposes of immediate relocation.  The citizens of Flint have to leave.  Their land is toxic.  No one is doing anything really effective, so they have to leave.  Other compensation monies can be determined at a later date, although I don't know what value can be placed on a future of possible dysfunctional children and adults, with all types of illnesses.  Enough damage has been done.

Governor Snyder should be arrested!

The richest country in the world and this happens.  I'm saddened.  We seem to be more worried about Brussels, Belgium, than Flint, Michigan.  What the heck?