Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Broke and Sad

What the heck is going on?  The older I get the less money I have.  Why is my social security being taxed?  Wasn't this taxed once?  Maybe I am confused.  My pension does not keep up with the cost of living.  My utilities are steady going up.  My funds are not.  Why can't someone come up with extra money for senior citizens?  I am still paying for able bodied people who have decided to make welfare a way of life.  I know, because there are several bums in my own family.  Shouldn't there be an additional income for those of us seniors who need a little help?  I am really pissed off, but more than that, I'm sad and broke.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine for Nigga

I can't say Nigga' cause it makes you uncomfortable?  It makes you squirm?  Well, white man, this world is very much about discomfort.  Living life is about moving out of our comfort zones.  I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, when I use my word, Nigga.  I am not even thinking of you.  I love the word Nigga, as we Niggas apply it to ourselves.

You see, I've been trying for a while now, to figure out how the use of this word by us Niggas concerns you?  You wouldn't insult another race by, let's say, calling the Italians Dagos, or calling a person of Hispanic heritage a Spic.  Why then do you, of all people,  persist in being able to call members of the black race a Nigga?  African Americans can and do use Nigga amongst ourselves.  God knows, we have earned the right.  It is us and it is our choice.

Many of you still call us niggers whenever you are without a "nigger in sight."  Give me a break.  What sense does this make, Mr. White Man?  What business is it of yours what I say?  I really don't and can't censure what you say.   It's simple.  Just don't say Nigga in front of African Americans.

There are so many endearing and sensitive memories attached to our word, Nigga.  No, you would not understand.  You really can't understand how we, as an oppressed people, took a word meant to humble and humiliate us, and turn it into our version of love, connection,  and yes, sometimes hate, but not so much on our part, as you pretend to think.

You called us niggers from the time we set foot on this American soil.  What's your point now?  Is it to show the world that you can still control our thinking?  The world may succumb to your desires and tricks as you attempt to clean up the shit you have begun.  I won't let you take my language, hence my culture, away from me again.

You, white man, need to understand that African Americans do not want you to say Nigga to us, or on your public media.  Only African Americans can call one another Nigga.  You just need to learn to control your urges to say this word.  You need to really examine your feelings about this word.  Examine your motives for not wanting me,  the "nigger," to use my own connotation of this word in my world.  You need to control your guilt and your jealousies.  You definitely can not control me.

E. Clark

Sunday, February 13, 2011


It is so good to chill out on a Sunday morning.  Sundays, for me, are days to unwind and regroup.  I love Sundays because I love me.  God is telling me to do what I want on this day, above all other days.  I am spiritual, but I am not religious.  That is, I really do not like attending church.  I tithe and I love Jesus, but I don't like attending church.  Forgive me these thoughts, but the people who usually people church are not real.  They are usually very phony to the point of pain for me.  After all, they are in church.  Church people seem to be about everything but God.  Sundays are too special to be messed up by starting these days on the wrong foot.  I attend church as much as I can stand it, which is about three or four times a year.  Like I said, I love Sundays too much for spoiling them.  I love God and I know God loves me.  He shows me continuously and that's enough for me.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mave's Advice

Don't forget to send your relationship problems to Mave at  I will answer.  I promise.

Snow Again

The weather is really the topic of this day.  It has snowed again in my hometown and people seem to be stupefied as to what is really happening.  A steering committee meeting had to be canceled.  People just didn't feel comfortable driving in this weather.  It's cool because the meeting was to take place at my home.  I do still wonder how many would have shown up to try and gather the strength to assist in the planning of a fiftieth class reunion.  We are all so old until this snow might have been, as always, a blessing.  Old people who haven't bothered to stay in touch with one another probably don't want to be in touch.  God bless us all.

What is an english guiena?

What is an english guiena?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mave's Advice

Remember to send me questions regarding needed advice.  Send the inquiry to


My Husband May Be Cheating

To Lost in Buffalo,

Do you really have any proof about the unfaithfulness of your spouse?  You may just be imagining his infidelity.  Until you have real proof, don't jeopardize your marriage over a hunch.  If you still have reservations about his behavior after about sixty days, then talk with him about your concerns.  Give him concrete examples of why you feel the way you do.  I know that you have been married only a few months, so give this some time.  I don't think you should consider starting a family, just yet.  I sincerely hope everything works out for you and your husband.

Lazy People

It is hard for me to understand why some people have children when they don't want to take care of them.  Children are blessings.  We should appreciate and take care of them.  I know someone who won't even wash her daughters' hair.  They are unkempt and haven't been taught to groom themselves properly.  These are girls who are about to enter middle school.  Middle school students have many positive attributes, but they can often exhibit rude and obnoxious behavior.  I feel so sorry for these girls because they will encounter many students who will tell them the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Their feelings will continually be hurt, unless they clean up their act.  What I wonder is how can they do this, if they haven't been taught?  Their mom and their dad should be ashamed, but they appear to be unfazed.  The baby girl who is still an infant is experiencing the same lack of care.  Why did they decide to have more children?  I hope these very smart girls can stand these experiences.  I hope their grades don't fall. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The View vs. Sid the Science Kid

I used to watch The View daily.  Now, thanks to my nineteen month old granddaughter, I find myself  watching Sid the Science Kid and Word World.  I can't say I miss the ladies of The View that much, even though they are entertaining because Sid has them beat.  He gives such relevant and needed information.  Sid answers questions that I haven't even thought about in years.  The wonder of science and the curiosity of kids are a great combination.  Tune in sometime and watch Sid.  He airs on channel nine at the same time that The View airs.  Let me know what you think.

Also, don't forget to send me your questions regarding personal advice.  I've lived a while, so I know I have the answers to some of your life problems.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Did I remember to tell you how to reach me?

Anybody Can Counsel

Just finished reading another column in Rolling Stone Magazine.  It was an advice column by Dr. Ozzy.  It's a good column and I find myself chuckling at the advice given by Dr. Ozzy.  Then it came to me that anyone can call himself or herself a doctor.  From henceforth, I am Dr. Mave and I want other bloggers to send me their  advice questions.  I will answer appropriate questions through this blog.
